Investment Management

[Lecture notes are in 3 different pdf files according to midterm topics.]
Semester: Fall 2022
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Nuray Güner
Grade: AA
Book: Investments by Zvi Bodie, Alex Kane and Alan J. Marcus, Global Edition, 2011, McGraw Hill International Edition.
General Comment: Investment Management was my favorite course for Fall 2022. I highly suggest attending each class and taking notes carefully since Prof. Güner is amazing at her job. While talking about the topic, she always brings up-to-date articles to class and mentions the most important professor in that area.
Watching the "Gamestop" documentary from Netflix
Understanding basic definitions of statistics terms
Trying to trade in the stock exchange market
The course could be more applicable; it was much more like a seminar course (we took it with Ph.D. students).
Bonds were too complicated; our department has a "Fixed Income Analysis" course again given by Prof. Güner. The bonds part of this course scared us a little bit.
Here is my individual homework for Walt Disney (I got 93):
Keywords (for me):
Chapter 1:
Fisher effect
Fixed income/debt, common stock/equity, derivative securities
Efficient market
Passive management & active management
ADRs - American Depository Receipts-
Mortgage pass-through securities
Unbundling CFs
Chapter 17:
Fundamental analysis - a top-down approach
Technical analysis
Key economic variables (GDP, consumer sentiment, unemployment rate, interest rate & inflation, budget deficit)
Fiscal Policy & Monetary Policy
Business cycles - indicators
Sector rotation
Diamond framework - 5 forces
Chapter 18 - Valuation Models
Book Value - liquidation value & replacement cost
Expected holding period return
Required return
Intrinsic value vs. market value
Dividend discount model
No growth model
Constant growth model
Life cycles and multistage growth model
Price-to-earnings, price-to-book, price-to-cash-flow, price-to-sales ratios and their comments
Free Cash Flow to Firm Approach
Free Cash Flow to Equity Approach
Chapter 2:
Dow Jones Industrial Average Index
Price-Weighted Index
S&P Index, NASDAQ Composite, NYSE Composite, Wilshire 5000
Market-Value-Weighted Index
Equally-Weighted Index
Chapter 3:
IPO, SEO (primary, secondary shares)
Investment banking: Underwriters, underwritten agreement, standby agreement, best effort, private placements
Market types: Dealer (NASDAQ), Auction (NYSE)
Order types: Market executed immediately, price contingent (limit orders, stop orders)
Trading mechanisms:
Dealer markets (NASDAQ, Apple - more competitive markets)
Electronic communication networks (ECNs) (BIST-Turkish Stock Exchange)
Specialists markets (NYSE, IBM - more monopolistic): it has a "limit order book"
Chapter 6:
Trading costs
Buying on margin
Maintenance margin
Margin call
Short sell
Risk aversion
Indifference curves and utilities
Capital allocation of risky and risk-free assets
Complete portfolio
Opportunity sets
Using leverage or not while investing
Capital market line
Chapter 7:
Diversification of portfolios
Definition of covariance, correlation, expected return, standard deviation, mean, variance (standard deviation of returns, correlation coefficients)
Markowitz Portfolio Selection Model
Efficient Frontier
Capital allocation lines
Optimal Risky Portfolio
Risk pooling, risk sharing and risk in long run
Chapter 8:
Single Index Model
CAPM Model
Multi Index Model
Chapter 9:
The Efficient Frontier & Capital Market Line
Systematic risk & unsystematic risk
Market risk premium
Expected return & beta relationship
Difference between beta & standart deviation of return
Chapter 10:
Law of one price
Single factor model
Multifactor model
Arbitrage Pricing Theory -APT-
Well-Diversified Portfolios
Two factor model
Work of Chen, Roll and Ross (No exchange risk and other important factors)
Fama-French Three Factor Model
CAPM Decomposition
Chapter 11:
Efficient Market Hypothesis
Event Studies
Joint hypothesis testing
Market efficiency types: weak-form, semi-strong, strong
Predictors of broad market returns (Fama and French, Campbell and Shiller)
Small firm effect (SMB)
January effect (in the U.S.)
Insider trading
Chapter 15:
Bond pricing
Definition of yield, maturity, yield curve, yield-to-maturity
Interes rates: spot rate, short rate
Forward rates and forward contracts
Interest rate uncertainity
Term structure theories
Expectations theory
Liquidity premium theory
Chapter 16:
Bond price convexity
Coupon rates
Duration of bond
Bond duration vs. bond maturity
Correction for convexity (understand the graph)
Regular bonds, callable bonds, zero-coupon bonds
Immunization of interest rates
Net worth immunization
Cash flow matching-dedication
Active management: swapping strategies
Substitution swap, intermarket swap, rate participation swap, and pure yield swap
Horizon analysis
Contingent immunization
Chapter 24:
Dollar weighted returns
Time-weighted returns
Performance evaluation measures: Sharpe index, Treynor measure, Jensen's measure (Jensen Alpha), Information ratio, M^2 measure, T^2 (Treynor) Measure
Market Timing
Style analysis
Chapter 4:
Net asset value
Managed investment companies (Open-End and Close-End)
Hedge funds
Mutual funds
Funds of funds - diversification can hurt the investor
Exchange-traded funds
Foreign exchange risk